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Options Industry Council - YouTube Optimization


The REsults the project delivered

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The thinking behind the channel transformation

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the optimized Channel

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The Client: An Educational Brand Looking to Recoup Their Investment in YouTube
The Options Industry Council (OIC) is an educational non-profit that has a mandate to educate investors on the proper use of options. The brand had scores of videos that were parked on YouTube, driving no value for the brand. Without a budget to promote their videos with paid media, they needed another solution.

The Platform: YouTube, The World’s Foremost Educational Resource
The OIC needed their channel’s performance to increase, organically. Not an easy task. However, YouTube is an enormous search engine and resource for educational content, which meant that it could be engineered to perform better. The plan was part re-positioning, part tactical optimization: reposition The OIC’s inward-facing, brand-first channel into an education destination that gave viewers the YouTube experience they expected.

The Project: Transforming A YouTube Channel
The Plan: The problem wasn’t The OIC’s content, the problem was how it was positioned to searchers and potential viewers. Brand heavy titles and imagery combined with poor SEO optimization essentially made the channel invisible.

The Foundation: First, each video was categorized and catalogued based on performance. Second, and perhaps even more importantly, the content of each video was vetted on its native value and how well it measured up to viewer expectations. Those two steps created a blueprint that was used to reorganize every playlist and create a comprehensive curriculum.

The Optimization: Once the thinking behind the reorganization was solidified, the next step was to reposition the channel. The metadata—titles, tags, descriptions—were brought up to SEO best practices and the organization and visual creative were refreshed so the channel would thrive organically. And thrive it did. The organic performance in terms of engagement and views more than doubled without a dollar being spent on media.